Tuesday, April 07, 2009

No more babies yet

Feeding this a.m. noticed we're down to a few bales of alfalfa (lots of grass hay), so called Higbys to get a delivery.  Scott said tomorrow.  Yes!!

Went down to feed the boys and noticed they'd knocked over both water buckets and they're 'drinking spot was a lovely 5" deep mud hole.  The brats.  So waded into the well over ankle deep mud to move the hose and reset up buckets.  Now they won't play with horse toys but give them something they need such as a water bucket they're all over it!

Opening the gate to get in Demon, Miramax and Bonus Bucks raced to meet me.  The gate to get to the house and closer to mares.  Poor boys - they have another year to wait.

It rained today, so hoped it would encourage one of the hold outs to foal, but so far no dice!  

We were gone for a few hours for important stuff (hair cut/color and family visit), so came home to wonderful rainy wet hills - yeah!  Doing a mental raindance for = rain, dryout, rain, dryout for another month or so!

Had to grab Miss April that had somehow in the hour between my son getting home and my arrival managed to pull the velcro off her blanket (likely Sarah did that), and flip the blanket under her belly to drag through the wet mud.  She's such a goof.  Tiny, cute and goofy fun!

Long day, I'm tired and much today before Easter weekend.

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