As per my lovely iPhone reminder I started sorting paperwork early this a.m.
DNA/PQ tests were first up. Pull those out and still missing hair for two... /sigh. Add to the 'to do' list to pull Remy and Surprise's hair.
Stallion reports. All done for 2010 - w00t! I thought I still needed to do Frenchie's 2009, so did that too, and then found the receipt in the Stallion Report file. Hmmm. Call AMHA and yes I did that two months ago and with the correct mares tha
t have since blessed us (Cookie and Remy). Cool.
Set up all the files for the rescue mares and 2010 foals. Now to print file toppers and labels. I threw out some more old papers and filed all the recent paperwork back from AMHA. I'm down to 2009/2010 foals - which is huge considering how far behind I was in June.
Granted I didn't touch the AMHR pile today, but at least one registry is almost done.
Now all I need is some good weather so I can take some horrifically bad registration photo's of the foals and Topper. Nothing like owning a gorgeous stallion and waiting until he's in full winter fuzzy and muddy to take photos. And he's grey...ugh on how those will turn out, but at least it will be done!
I'm so looking forward to starting 2011 with only new foals and permanent registration changes to handle. It will be so easy.
This is Maria (prounced Mariah for some reason), Tanglewood Farms Maria, 24 years young. We suspected she had met up with Frenchie on his fence jumping last Fall, but so far no foal. She's a wonderful sweet mare, with a great disposition. Her daughter Patsy (Wesco Farms Demons Checkered Past) is hopefully bred for a 2011 foal by Topper (WCR Top Cop).

And yes I'm shooting down at her, she's actually well proportioned and 33".
On another note, I've tried two different feed stores in the past couple of weeks. With Alfalfa running $10.50 to $12.50 a bale, I thought I'd check a couple other resources. Both are cheaper than Higbys, that I've used for ten years. Higbys hay is a bit more expensive ($11.50-12.50 for alfalfa and mountain pasture/orchard grass), but seeing the alfalfa I've bought from the other two, its because it's BETTER!
Yes the other two were leafy, but way to stemmy. I'm not sure if it's the cutting but Higby's I've always had a consistent good quality, thin stemmed hay year-round. The horses eat all of it. There isn't a large quantity of hay stems left on the ground. So, pinching pennies isn't going to be with a new hay supplier.
The one place does grow it's own hay and their grass hay looked good ($10.50 a bale), so I may grab a few and see if that's good. If so, splitting my time/dollars between a couple of feed stores then.
McLuvin meeting Noomi with my daughter Anna. McLuvin is getting gelded sometime this winter. Then I'm going to be very sad, as he's one of my favorites and would love to keep him, but every time I want to add a horse to the "keep" list, a name has to come off or else I'll never get anywhere near under 30 Minis. He's very sweet and people oriented. I'll miss him if/when he goes to a new home.

Noomi is five months old and growing like a weed. She's a wonderful dog. Thoroughly enjoying Great Pyrenees as a breed. She's a real character.
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