Vanna is doing better, and we're hoping to salvage her right eye. So many times a day we chase Miss Backbreaker around and medicate her eye, apply more fly spray and pray/cross finger & toes for her recovery. She did well for her trim last Friday as did the rest, practicing leading and tying torture by humans.
I haven't taken any photo of Miss Vanna's eye - I guess I should to explain the stapling of her right eyelid, but it's not pretty. She looks like a pirate with a squint with one eye partially open. A fiesty pirate with a squint I should say!
As for the rest - which I just had a sudden ephiphany about! All the foals are somehow downline from Callita except for April. Frenchie is her son while Calypso is her grand-daughter and Jamaica her great-grand-daughter! Good going Callita!
Frenchie's foals are really nice but going to be pushing the stick or B size I believe at least Surprise and Corona are almost too leggy! Here are Jai Ho and the twins - Surprise and Corona.
Surprise is the mystery colored foal this year. Bay roan dam and black white pinto sire so we get - The Bonus Bucks munchkins are all in the 24-26" range right now. April is a dink, although she eats like a pig and resembles a keg on legs, she's definitely precious.
Zydeco - the seeker of shade - hard to get a good photo of him in the sun.
And last but definitely not least - Count Your Blessings, that doesn't have a farm name that sticks other than Pretty Girl (isn't that awful!). She's going to be very B size like her mom.