Monday, April 06, 2009

Over the weekend

As I was still recovering from this cold/flu - nothing exceptional happened here.  The pregnant mares are still faking the 2 a.m. foaling and not!  So, I'm sleep deprived with still only one foal on the ground!

I did work on our website quite a bit - - but its so darn bloated at this point its going to be work to trim it down!!!  But I will, I just need to keep plowing through it!

On other notes :

- Kathi Donnell will be coming by on a trip down south sometime the next week or so.  That will be fun to have her for a visit.  We haven't seen her since last Fall.
- Easter we're having company all weekend (so probably a foal will be born to keep things fun!), so cleanup this week (I'm in the midst of painting rooms too - so this should be interesting.)
-  I've heard from a few different people that are expecting foals so I'm waiting for foal photos! As some are mares that I bred, it will be doubly exciting!  So, keeping fingers crossed for healthy and live!
-  Pam Brown sent a photo of her little stallion that won Reserve GC Junior Stallion at the recent NorCal Show - what a cutie he is!  All 25" of him.  Gratz Pam.
- I actually started looking at the online sales.  It's not quite as dismal as I'd believed, but definitely not OMG great either!!  I'm working on our sales list and thinking about ads . . .
- Looked through all my outstanding paperwork - ugh!  That is the only word for it.  Last year I really let things go  . . . this year is clean up and get back on track!!!!  I'm feeling poorer already when I look at all the DNA/PQ tests, Permanent registration and four outstanding transfers still.  It's so much easier to swallow paperwork costs in bite size chunks!

Other than that it looks like rain tonight or tomorrow.  I hope so, as I still want the hills to stay green for a few more months and hate the dreaded word 'drought'.  

Anyway, if it rains that should bring on foaling and the moon is getting full too -  both good signs - lol!!!

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