Monday, December 05, 2005

Boys will be boys

We turned Little and Roger out with the rest of the bachelor herd. For those that haven't been here - the boys have a 20 acre section of hills, valleys and flat treed section of our property. There is a 1/4 mile common fence with the mares and the hills overlook the valleys were the mares hang out. It was the first time Roger's been back with the boys in over year, and Little has never lived in a bachelor herd to my knowledge, so we were prepared for any fighting.

Ray, Little Primo, Homee, Ringo and Rohans head

We put Little in first, and he immediately took off up the hill, ignoring Ray and Demon (they've made a pact to co-rule the stallion pasture!). I was surprised as they took off after him, but then realized Little had never been in a pasture larger than about 2 acres in many years, so he was out to explore the new territory! He disappeared for about 20 minutes, and returned with all the boys in tow. During his travels, we put Roger in, and he was thrilled - took off in another direction.

The boys came back sweaty, squealing and having a good time. No fighting fortunately! The younger boys were hanging out for scratches and just observing the older guys strutting and galloping around the hills.

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